Audition advice from the Scottish Ballet Artistic Director Christopher Hampson

An invaluable piece of advice: make mobile technology and the internet work in your favour.

Here’s an invaluable piece of advice from the Artistic Director of a leading European Ballet Company: make mobile technology and the internet work in your favour.

This is what Mr. Hampson told

A great way to get initial interest from an Artistic Director (without the expense of traveling to each Company) is to send a link to either a YouTube or Vimeo clip.

I suggest your clip is no longer than three minutes.

It should include a maximum of one minute of technique (centre practice / a pirouette exercise / a pointe work enchaînement / grand allegro); one minute of a classical work; and one minute of a contemporary work.

Don’t password protect the link. Emails get lost, and if a Director can’t find the password the chances are your link just won’t get seen.

It’s unlikely you’ll get a job offer from a web link, but you’d certainly know if it’s worth making the journey in the future.

For more useful advice from other Artistic Directors click here

Elsewhere on this website you’ll find more useful advice on auditioning in Auditions Advisory

 E N D

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