Tag Linbury Theatre

Northern Ballet, Three Short Ballets Review 4*

Northern Ballet brings a rare but hugely enjoyable triple bill, Three Short Ballets, to the ROH Linbury Theatre The dancers of Northern Ballet are a pleasure to watch  and this wide-ranging triple bill, Three Short Ballets, which had its London…

Joel Brown and Eve Mutso Dance 111

Dancers Eve Mutso and Joel Brown talk to Ballet Position about 111, a duet combining their diverse yet complementary abilities There are times when you come upon something that so subverts your preconceptions and expectations that you are left dazed…

Kevin O’Hare’s Royal Ballet: New Horizons

In the dazzlingly redeveloped Royal Opera House, Royal Ballet Director Kevin O’Hare talks about exciting new prospects for his company The run up to a new season is always a time of excited anticipation for performers and audiences alike. But…