Money Matters in Eastern Europe


CompanyMonthly Pay (per contract)Tax + DeductionsPaid HolidayPension
Estonian National BalletUndisclosed21% Co. covers Nat. Ins.YESState Pension *

* it’s advisable to make your own private pension provision


CompanyMonthly Pay (per contract)Tax + DeductionsPaid HolidayPension
Croatian National Theatre Ballet / SplitCr.K 5,500 (€732) + rent free accommodationDeducted at source **YESNO*

** overpaid tax refunded before the summer


CompanyMonthly Pay (per contract)Tax + DeductionsPaid HolidayPension
Hungarian National BalletUndisclosed Basic + perf. feesUndergoing reform nett pay subject to tax changesYESOccupational Scheme planned*

Further Information